Thursday, February 10, 2011

i'll have what she's having

Lately I have been feeling spiritually stagnant. For longer than I would like to admit. I have just felt unconnected to God. I've been going through the motions (although sometimes just barely). I can't get excited about anything related to my spiritual life at the moment. Let me preface this by saying I love God. I love Jesus. I have always considered myself a follower of Christ. But I have always had a difficult time calling myself a "Christian". I just feel that there is so much that we do within the church (and most of the time I believe that we have good intentions) that turns so many people off. I have been one of these turned off people. I personally want to walk the walk. I never want anyone to look at me and say she is faking it. I pray (literally) to live my life here on earth in such a way that people will look at me and say "I'll have what she's having"-I want what she's got. Not so people glorify me or what it is I am doing but that people will glorify Christ. I want people to say look at the joy and love that radiates from her entire being. I want it too! I'm not there. Not even close. And lately it is feeling like an unattainable thing while here on Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Meghan ~ Just found your blog and that Precious Girl of yours! How cute is she?!! Now I'm off the subject..just had to throw that in!

    Sweetie, just by the small part I've read, You radiate the Love of Jesus! I have come to the realization that the Church is NOT a building with folks who gather on Sunday and maybe Wednesday night! The Real Church is ALL of His Kids living His Words out in our daily lives. Don't get me wrong, Fellowship is great and necessary. But, we just need to "try" everyday to be more like Him. To "Let Our Light Shine". And, You do!

    So Happy that He led me meet another part of The Church! Hugs from MN.! ~ Jo
