Monday, November 15, 2010

pumpkins, parties and pop-pop oh my!

My posts have been a little scarce lately so I thought I would share a photo montage of what we have been up to. a few birthday parties, a lake trip, one trick or treat stroll around Homewood (ok, just down our street) and lots of other fun stuff. enjoy!

alexander turned 2
the party was cowboy themed. My dad came dressed as Woody from Toy Story or basically as himself.
the train tent Margaret gave him from our favorite line of tents and play structures Bazoongi.
this picture is super blurry but these two had a blast going in and out of the tent. Until...
Alexander opened his train set. And then Margaret was not allowed to play. I think he took his nap with the controller in his hand.
pop-pop is the pied piper to wee ones and all things furry. Animals and children flock to him.
my parents have a great park in Roswell that we took the kids to
Alexander had to show Margaret the ropes

My friend Kristin's little boy Michael turned one

Michael loves cake...

Margaret loves Michael.

the next day we drove back to Birmingham to trick or treat in our neighborhood. Isn't Margaret the cutest little piggy?!

The hat lasted all of 2 seconds. So she really looked like a piece of cotton candy or something. But Daddy wore the hat and she got a kick out of that.

trick or treat Uncle Griff! Are you home? Check out the tail-love it.
and this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.

and the next weekend My sister Meredith and Alexander joined us for a weekend at the lake.
it was chilly but we bundled the babes up and headed to a local farm's Fall harvest party. Lots of fun.

Phew! Are you exhausted yet? I am and this week is thanksgiving! I just finished my first pumpkin burboun cream pie and I'm now off to make another dish...
bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. loooooovvvveeee these pictures!!! My two favorite kids, Alexander and Marg!! So cute!! you take the best pictures!
