Thursday, September 16, 2010

putting out fires

wow, the last couple of weeks have been, well, let's say interesting. I decided that it would be a great idea to surprise Jackson with a puppy for his birthday. We have all been heartbroken over the loss of our sweet black lab Abby. She was Jackson's dog and Bailey's constant companion. So I felt getting a new lab for us would be an all-around great idea. The first night we brought her home I had a true anxiety attack. I'm not exaggerating. It is a bit embarrassing to admit that I was thrown into an all out panic over a ball of fur that weighs no more than 5 pounds-but it happened. She wouldn't stop crying and peeing. We didn't know what to do with her or ourselves! We decided that Butter, we named her Abby "Butter" Ratliff, would be going back to the breeder in the morning. I have never understood people who bring an animal home and then decide they can't handle it. Didn't you give a decision that big some though? some planning? Well, I quickly turned into one of "those people". In the light of the following morning-after one barking roused baby and two sleep deprived adults started our days-my feelings about giving Butter back had not changed. Jackson left for work around 7:45am and I had already called him by 8:45am reminding him to call the breeder and ask about his return policy. Well, something happened around lunch time. I had some clarity after my second cup of coffee and quickly called Jackson back-any of you who have ever suffered from anxiety are recognizing the symptoms here-and asked if it was too late to keep her. Yes, Butter Ratliff made the cut. She would stay. That was last weeks drama. This week in between wiping up pee, wiping Margaret's runny nose, and somehow managing to wear clothing that covered all of my unmentionable parts-we set our house on fire. Let me rephrase that. We didn't actually start the fire. Our bathroom fan decided to burn up and set our ceiling on fire. It was Wednesday, the first day of the week of Mother's day out. I awoke refreshed and with a bounce in my step. Ahhh, a morning to myself. I made a list of all the things I would do with my 4 hours. I could not wait to get my day started. Jackson left for work around 7:45am like he always does. I was feeding Margaret breakfast and packing her lunch for school when I started hearing this popping noise. I figured it was the cat on my dresser knocking things to the floor. It stopped and I went about my morning routine (ie, feeding baby, dogs, cleaning up animal and tiny human pee and poop etc.) A few minutes later I heard the same popping noise and then smelled burning plastic. I followed the smell and smoke to the bathroom only to find the ceiling engulfed in flames and melted plastic fire balls falling to the floor. I was unusually calm. (funny my anxiety didn't kick in at this appropriate situation) I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a stool and a pitcher of water and began heaving water at the bathroom ceiling. All the while Margaret was happily stuffing her sweet face with banana in the kitchen. I grabbed my phone, called Jackson and all I could get out before my phone died was "the house is on fire!" He was half way to work at this point. I am standing in our hallway covered in ash and water with a dead cell phone and no house phone (who needs one these days, right?!) A few moments go by and Jackson bursts through the front door with the hose from our front yard in his hands. He didn't know which way to go. I had already stopped the flames as far as I could see. So he climbed in the attic to check for further damage and then called the fire department-from his cell phone. The fireman came with 3 trucks, 6 fireman, and sirens blaring. They checked everything out and blew the smoke out of the house in about 20 minutes. Just enough time to get Margaret dressed and to Mother's day out. Only so I could come home and scrub and mop the entire house free of soot. 4 hours of baby free after fire clean-up and I was wishing it was Monday.
Here are some pictures of the latest excitement in our lives.
Meet Butter, the dog who almost wasn't.
because having one bathroom wasn't bad enough.
the reason I can laugh at all of this!


  1. Can not believe about the house fire! So glad everyone is okay.
    I thought nothing could be any cuter after I saw your adorable new puppy and then I scrolled down to Miss Margaret! Such a beautiful baby! Love her.

  2. oh my...i laughed outloud when i read your hubs running in the house with the hose....what a funny mental pic! Only funny ofcourse because no one got hurt :) What a sweet puppy and little princess baby!
