Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas. Much love to each of you and your families!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmases past

my cousins Abby, me and my cousin Ashley waiting to sit on Santa's lap.

I'm having a moment this morning. I'm reminiscing about my childhood Christmases. The memories I have of Christmas as a child are some of the best. As an adult some of the details sound on the verge of being torturous. For example; driving 14 hours in a grey colored boat of a Caddy-the trunk held down by a bungee cord due to the overwhelming amount of gifts held within it. My dad having to cautiously navigate through ice and snow while my mother held court between my sister and I fighting over who got to stretch their cramped legs into the middle seat in the back. All of this just so my sister and I could have a childhood basically straight from a storybook. White Christmases, family all around, sled rides and visits with Santa. Thanks mom and dad. I only hope I can live up to it for my little ones.